+++ DIARY+++

2008.6.16Б@---Б@harmony pg.1

Hi!! I've never updated this diary twice a month, but it's first time to do so since I opened this page :-) The BGM is O.N.O (from TBHR)'s "View Tracks" which was released on iTunes. Beats made in Hokkaido touched my heart deeply.

By the way, as I told you about the download music release before, I've just finished mastering process of the tracks which I'm going to release soon.

The title of the work is "DREAMS CREATE THE FUTURE. EP". It includes 4 new tracks. Please look forward to be released soon. It seems that I will release it in the end of July or early in August, so I think I will be able to announce more details in the next month's diary.
I deeply hope that my music created in this town can touch the hearts of a lot of people!!

I added my another new track "cup & candle" on myspace this month. I compiled my images at my party "harmony"into this track. (You can enjoy some photos at the party. Go to the my gallery!!)
I'm really glad if anyone who were at the party and anyone who couldn't be there can feel the atmosphere at "harmony" through this track. Any comments are welcome, so feel free to send me a message!!

Enjoy your life & stay with your music!!
See you next month.